Therapeutic Yoga

Yoga is a spiritual or 'self development' practice which has an infinite number of side benefits for the physical body and the emotions.  Many people feel this benefit just by attending classes - any movement is better than no movement, and when we bring directed attention to ailed areas of the body and move with the breath the effect is greater still. Yogaphysio classes usually involve practices that bring balance to common ailments in the body. If a normal yoga class is not helping you though, don't 'throw the baby out with the bath water'; it maybe that you need something that is more specific to you or better paced towards your current fitness level. This is when we recommend a private assessment.

The following practices here are a sample of what we teach. Enjoy and get in touch if anything is uncertain!



Abdominal Core Stability

Abdominal Core Stabiilty is an important base for all yoga practice. When are our body's are healthy, we take this stability for granted. However following injury, particularly to the low back, these muscles can be inhibited contributing to onging strain and pain. This short practice can be done daily in isolation or you can add other yogaphysio youtube practices to it, to make for a longer practice. Subscribe to be kept up to date with FREE regular new video's.

Other Strategies

When pain persists a different approach may be required.  Pain science suggests that the nervous system becomes wound up when it 'perceives' a sense of threat - this results in  amplified pain and pain with normal movement. Sensitivity in the nervous system can be addressed in a variety of different ways.

A biopsychosocial (in yoga Pancha Kosha) assessment will identify physical factors - weakenss, tightness in muscles and joints; but also physiological and psychosocial factors that may be contributing to 'perception of threat'. For instance having an understanding of how the body heals and what you personally can do to address the issue is empowering also for your nervous system. Pain and injury can be stressful or can happen on top of other daily life stresses and how you manage this will also impact on your pain.

They are a number of things that can be important to consider.

  • You need to get knowledge about how your body heals.This empowers you and helps lower the pain threshold.
  • Awareness based meditation (mindfulness) helps your to manage your own pain relieving hormones - the best drugs are in your own brain!
  • Self study (in yoga Svadhyaya) is bit of an integration of cognitive therapy - helps you to identify where you might be inadvertently limiting yourself - for instance the tendency to push on, when you should rest or too rest too much when you need to push on. Not always easy to judge. .
  • Graded motor imagery, visualisation and other techniques that involve activates nervous system directly, without activating a pain pathways.

Yogaphysio is in the process of developing educational courses that integrate all these aspects to help you to heal yourself. Sign up for our newsletter to be kept up to date with developments.

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